Saturday, March 03, 2007

And the Thomas Award goes to...

Hi guys, as I told you in the classroom, today's activity will continue here in our blog! All you have to do is vote on the movie you think deserves the Thomas Award for Best Picture and leave a comment too. If you want to read more about the movies before deciding your vote, click on the name of the movie below the the voting box.

The voting box is here:

What movie do you think deserves the Thomas Award?


Celius said...

I voted on the Ice Age movie. I think it really deserves the Thomas Award. Not only the animation work is well done, but also the characters of the movie. Especially the tiger, who start as an spy, but ends as a good friend. The movie is really fantastic.

Anonymous said...

Humm... I can see that you guys have a hard choise to make here, I don't. My choise is obvious, I voted for Lord Of The Ring, of course. I love epic movies and for me Lord Of The Ring is the best one. It is unique! It is marvellous! And it is a trilogy! That means there are three times more adventure and action. If I had to choose another one, I definitively would choose Ice Age. It is a great animation, with a great story and was made by a great director.

Anonymous said...

I vote for The Godfather. I think it is a good story played by outstanding actors. And Don Corleone is a perfect characterization of a father that thinks he can control eveyone and everything. Besides that, the italian Mafia in US is a true history. The movie shows the dry law decade, and Don Corleone, even at that time only dealt with games and drinking. He never got involved with drugs and prostitution. I vote in this movie because it is one of the gratest of all time.

Anonymous said...

Can we send our compositions before saturday on Ronaldo's e-mail?

Ronaldo Lima Jr. said...

Sure, Danielle. Why not?

Anonymous said...

Although I liked to watch some of the movies which can be a nominee for Thomas award, I voted for the Gladiator, because I like seeing historical movies.
The films that depict the well- konwn historical evets are always my favorite. As for to my preference, indeed I was engrossed in that film which took me to the ancient times when the Roman Empire was alive. From my pint of view that film really deserves the Thomas award by the quality of the plot, the cast and the script. That is why this film is in front of the others.

Anonymous said...

I know I'm a little bit late in making my comments.
I watched this movie in 2001, if I`m not wrong and I loved the history because I was studying military history in that time. I could understand a little about that period of time where the soldiers were so tough and prepared to combat and in spite of the difficulties they had, they were able to fight and die in order to keep their country and their family.
I loved the movie.

Ronaldo Lima Jr. said...

If you want to see the voting result, click on the "view" button on the voting box.

Learning with the Italian guy, learning with radio announcers... pronunciation is a MUST!!!

This is the video of the Italian guy I told you about. Have fun and watch out you pronunciation!!!